Switching ANNOALLVISIBLE on/off

Simple one. i'm looking for the (faster) switch for this one.


  • I'd add a toolbar button to toggle this. This has the advantage of showing status if you choose to do so.

    I have a function that toggles a user variable to change whether symbols are inserted aligned to the selected linework or not. The Diesel function is: $(if,$(=,$(getvar,useri5),1),!.,) and the Command is: ^P'useri5 ^P$M=$(xor,$(getvar,useri5),0x0001)

    You could probably do something similar.

    You could also do this in lisp with something similar to

    (defun c:toggle-tilemode ()
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    (setvar "tilemode" (boole 6 (getvar "tilemode") 1))

  • Hans Lammerts
    edited December 2019

    Just found the toolbar button and added this to the Diesel call.
    I never realized that this variable in MS and PS are stored seperately from each other!
    This button shows in turned on/off mode!