Point style selection?

The command ddptype in AutoCAD brings up a simple table whereby you select a point style. Quick and easy. Typing this command in Bricscad brings up a confusing ledger of entries in Settings which I don't understand at all. I've read the help file - in it is a very nice table similar to the aforementioned dialog box in AutoCAD but evidently this nice table is not available at the command line. Actually, the only point style I ever need is "X" so if it could be explained how to make that the default, I would be good to go.

Thank you,


  • 3 rows in what you call the 'ledger' are dedicated to the PDMODE setting. Please click in all 3 fields...

  • Thank you. I was able to get the setting I need by entering a value of 3 in the "mask: 0x000F" line. However, a table like is shown in the Help entry (or in Autocad) would make the process a lot more user friendly.

  • @William Dinger said:
    Thank you. I was able to get the setting I need by entering a value of 3 in the "mask: 0x000F" line. However, a table like is shown in the Help entry (or in Autocad) would make the process a lot more user friendly.

    I agree. We could really do with an interactive point dialogue.

    What I sometimes do nowadays when adding important points is to use x shaped blocks, sometimes annotative if needed.

    I also used to use points a lot for dividing and measuring along lines etc. but now tend to use the array along path instead. Probably because of the inconvenience of points.

  • When you change the PDMODE value in the _Settings dialog a preview of the result is displayed (below the tree/grid view). IMO this is interactive enough. But maybe the GUI would be clearer if fields that are in fact dropdown lists always show the arrow symbol.