Xlist message box too short

Any way to make this (default) messagebox wider?


  • Dear Hans,
    I would like to reconfirm your post,
    In AutoCAD there is an xlist.dcl file which control the window size, but in BricsCAD I cannot find anything (v20 and v21).
    I hope we get soon this feature.
    Best regards,

  • Its a fairly straight forward dcl and while it does not auto could be changed for a custom version, I check strlen of text lines so change the dcl width = to suit. Maybe change to Alert.

  • Thank you.

    I have also get an other way from Bricsys Team:
    "Regarding XLIST command, it comes from express tools so the question should be addressed to the application owner.
    Still, please try this: hover the xref nested entity, then press Control key and the rollovertips will show you the nested entity properties."