Script for data entry in BIM objetcs

Hi every one,
I need to solve the issue because I have more than 300K objets to fill with informations. Usually it is a manualy data entry through the user interface but in this case is not feasible.

Logically it is very simply is somenthing like: Select object ifcGuid=21zzElJE172QiE36m6OQ4B; write "300 liters" where property column=New Property-24

I have no idea of what should be the sintax to do that, can anyone give me some suggestions?

The all idea is to create an Excell sheet with the object information compiled and linked to its ifcGuid. Then write a script that allows to inport all the informations in the right field inside BricsCAD

I had a look of "Simple multiple value entry in a dcl" but it doesn't look related to this. I attach also a couple of pictures to better explain what I mean.

Thanks for any suggestion that you can give me to pursue this objective!