comand "_audit" - strange messages in German
Brics 19.2.14, German
The command "_audit" returns (with relating drawing content) this message
Name: AcDb2dVertex(7D8E) Wert: Farbe 253 entspricht nicht dem Eigentümer. Gültigkeit: Sollten mit Eigentümer übereinstimmen Ersetzt durch: Festlegen auf 253
I tried to understand it in German, then I tried to re-translate it to English - the question is still:
- What does it want to say?
- Does it say in German the same that it (should) say in English?
It seems that "a vertex of a polyline has a colour-definition which is different from the colour of the polyline" - right?
Or not?
And if "right" - what is set to 253? The vertex or the entire polyline?
just post (attach) a DWG with the polyline so that one can reproduce and check the problem !