V20 to V21 upgrade - perpetual license with 1st year maintenance holder - need to transfer license?

I have just downloaded and installed installed V21.
The issue is that it installed as a fully featured trial version asking for an activation code.
I currently use V20 Mechanical, brilliant software, and all other updates have gone though absolutely fine with no issues regarding licensing.

It is probably a simple thing, but could someone tell me how to 'Activate' V21 at the same level as my current V20 (Mechanical).
Also, can I continue to use both versions if I activate V21.



  • There is a Setting, I think RUNASLEVEL or similar,
    which allows to run e.g. a fully featured Bricscad Demo Version in your
    preferred license mode.

    Normally your license mode is given by your license key.

    If you already have a v21 license, like by having maintenance,
    you can go to the license manager and change from temporary demo license
    to your v21 mechanical license.

    Yes, Licenses are backwards compatible and you can run both versions
    beside each other.
    (Currently I have V19, V20 and V21 installed, but normally will only keep
    the latest 2 versions)

  • Thanks for the reply Michael.
    I tried to activate V21 with my V20 License key and it didn't work. Gave an 'unknown error 1030'
    I thought that would work as I am still in year 1 maintenance.
    Any other ideas would be helpful.

  • Hi Tim,
    A V20 key will indeed not work to activate V21. If you are on Maintenance, then you should be able to retrieve your V21 key from the account page on the Bricsys website:

  • Hi Mark,
    Thanks for info.
    Worked a treat.