Bug? Insert an attrib-blockwith command-s: Missing line

I have a simple lisp-line which inserts a block with attributes, attreq = 1, attdia = 0

    (command-s "_-insert" 
                    (getpoint "\nClick insert point ") 
                    (getint "\nScale factor: ") ""  

It works fine, but the line for the request is overlayed with the last line, asking for the rotation.
So it is like this (here it's written, not copied from the log):

Scale factor: 3
Rotation: <0.00g>: -->> here I have to enter the value for first attrib
Request for 2nd attrib: 
Request for 3rd....


  • try this slightly changed code

     (command-s "_-insert" 
                                    (getpoint "\nClick insert point ") 
                                    (getint "\nScale factor: ") 
                                    "0"   "") 

    or this one

            (command-s "_-insert" 
                                        (getpoint "\nClick insert point ") 
                                        (getint "\nScale factor: ") 
                                        "0"  ) 
  • Thanks, but both versions does not work. They gave a value of "0" to the y-scale factor , and the second version asks for rotation

  • You should insert "_S" in order to type only the global scale factor for the block (X=Y=Z) then
    flip the sequence of Scale factor and insertion point !
    1st input the scale factor then the insertion point
    Try this one !

    (command-s   "_-insert" 
                             (getint "\nScale factor: ") 
                             (getpoint "\nClick insert point ") 
                                         ""  ) 
  • Strange ...

    The "scaling" works as expected, but the value for "rotation" does not work. When I ...

    • enter 0 or "0" or "", it returns "Eingabe kann nicht erkannt werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut" (Input can not be recognized. Please try again)
    • remove it, it asks for rotation-angle and continues correctly, opening the Att-dialogue