V21BIM disable auto join/subtract steel

edited December 2020 in BricsCAD BIM

**** briscad newbee question ****

it seems there is a auto join/subtract function active when modeling steel structure elements.

when editing with push/pull auto subtraction happensbetween crossing steel beams and beams crossing 3D solids The profiles are also cut in a solid that I use as a 3D grid reference

Can it be switched off ? cause first i want to model a "rough" version ?


  • Harr
    edited December 2020

    system variable : DMPUSHPULLSUBTRACT


    Note: When DMPUSHPULLSUBTRACT = 1, the solid being pushpulled is subtracted from interfering solids. Pressing the Ctrl key allows to override the DMPUSHPULLSUBTRACT system variable.

  • Michael Mayer
    edited December 2020

    Yes, it is new that DMPUSHPULLSUB.... is now available from the
    Floating Info Bar at the bottom on the Screen, to switch by CTRL.

    But I don't understand why they activated subtraction by default.
    I very seldom use this and have to change that every time by hitting
    If you don't care you can screw up your geometry in pretty short time.

  • What Harr is saying is if you set DMPUSHPULLSUBTRACT to 0, then it will turn the feature off by default, then you will need to hit CTRL to activate the subtract feature during modeling. I've verified this works in my model.

  • Thanks Samuel,

    I think that should basically work.
    It does not work on Big Sur (Intel Mac) in V21 here (reliably).
    First the CTRL or CMD key does not work or the on screen menu
    does not update (again).

    I made it work once
    (Not by Setting DM PUSHPULL... )
    by playing with CTRL key,
    but absolutely have no control over when it works or not ....