Modeling after Rhino to bricscad

As a new user, when I import files from Rhino to Bricscad, using the bimpropaginear command bar, "All reference entities should be linear in plane", "Detail establishment fails, there may be no unique connection location (for example, plane entities)" what does it mean?,help!


  • have to guess a bit, but looking at one of your images I notice that one of the profiles is at a different angle than the others, the bimpropagate most likely needs the items to propagate objects to be at the same/similar orientation in the same plane (e.g. XY plane) as it may not be able to bend around a corner. (I haven't used bimpropagate so far so I have to guess a bit).

    Changing your UCS to match the plane may be needed as well. (I should try the propagate some time to see how it works)