Help! Inserted wblock scales to miniature in client's 'OtherCAD' ! (solved)
To whom it concerns and/or experiences.
Problem: Disappointed client : inserted dwg wblock (made with BricsCad, metric) on client's autocad 2021 (assumed metric drawing) is scaled and looks like miniature in modelspace. (settings insert scale 1, millimeters)
After intervention we tryed inserting the same blocks in a new drawing setup wiith the acadiso.dwt - the default 'OtherCAD' metric template - everything seems to be okay ;o)
We figured out the problem : After running command "dwgunits" on client's 'OtherCAD' it seems to be the drawing units parameter which was set to inches (but drawing was assumed in metric/ millimeter format) . Apparently somewhere in the process of the client's template upgrades (since version R12) something went wrong and was never discovered before today. The BricsCAD files seems to have all the good parameter settings. As my CAD instructor always would say: "That is a 'OtherCAD' beginners mistake.".
DWGUNITS settings in template acadiso.dwg
(default metric template - 'othercad' out of the box)
drawing units 3. millimeters drawing units display format 2. decimal Linear display precision 4 scale objects from other drawings upon insert yes Match INSUNITS to drawing units yes