Mouse grab selected entity

I think something changed in my BricsCAD recently (V19.1.07 x64 Windows 10), When I click on an entity (line, circle, MText, etc.) to select it and move the cursor near one of the anchor points, the cursor used to lock onto the anchor point - as if the anchor point were slightly magnetic. Then I could click and drag the point. Now I need to get the cursor to align nearly exactly with the anchor point, and if the cursor is not exactly lined up with the anchor point it will not grab the point when I click on it. I assume I inadvertently changed some variable. Any suggestions will be appreciated!


  • Yes, either you disabled grips attraction, or the attraction distance value is too small (variables are named EnableAttraction and AttractionDistance, but of course it is easier to set them in the settings dialog).

  • I'd recently been having the same difficulty as @GME and didn't notice exactly when it began, but it might have coincided with working on a new, higher resolution display. Thank you @Knut Hohenberg for pointing us to the fix.