.NET external application - Workflow automation - Search and replace DWG
I'm doing a bit of workflow automation. I want to use the BricsCad interop to search and replace text in a dwg file. I want it to be an external application as I'm populating directories and other file types (Excel, word templates)
My application targes .Net 5.0
I've add references to BrxMgd.DLL and TD_Mgd.DLL (local copy = false). Separate class library to the winforms app.
However, as soon as I hit Execute(). I get a 'file not found exception. BrxMgd.DLL can't be found?
Any help or Code snippest would be appreciated.
using AcRx = Bricscad.Runtime; using AcTrx = Teigha.Runtime; using AcAp = Bricscad.ApplicationServices; using AcDb = Teigha.DatabaseServices; using AcGe = Teigha.Geometry; using AcEd = Bricscad.EditorInput; using AcGi = Teigha.GraphicsInterface; using AcClr = Teigha.Colors; using AcWnd = Bricscad.Windows; using AcApP = Bricscad.ApplicationServices.Application; public override bool Execute() { AcAp.Document doc = AcApP.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; AcEd.Editor ed = doc.Editor; AcDb.Database destDb = doc.Database; try { // Create a source database to load the DWG into using (AcDb.Database db = new AcDb.Database(false, true)) { // Read the DWG into our side database db.ReadDwgFile(templateFile, AcDb.FileOpenMode.OpenForReadAndAllShare, false, string.Empty); AcDb.Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction(); using (tr) { //// DO SEARCH AND REPLACE HERE AcDb.DBObjectCollection obs = tr.GetAllObjects(); foreach (AcDb.DBObject ob in obs) { AcDb.MText mt = ob as AcDb.MText; if (mt != null) { System.Console.Write(mt.Text); } //tr.Commit(); } } } } catch (System.Exception e) { Console.Out.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.Out.WriteLine(this.target + "caused and error, skipping"); }