C# toolchain under Linux
Dear all,
in my spare time I am trying to learn how to generate custom functionality with Bricscad v22 under Linux using C#, since I see myself incapable of learning Brx syntax. My developing background is irregular so the question might be to nooby for some to answer. As I keep telling my children, that there are no stupid questions, so I pose mine as follows.
1#On Ubuntu the Bricscad installation resides under /opt/bricsys/bricscad/v22
2#SDK has been uncompressed to /opt/bricsys/BRXSDK_Bcad_V22_1_04
has been extended with
export BRX22_SDK_PATH="/opt/bricsys/BRXSDK_Bcad_V22_1_04" export BRX_PATH="/opt/bricsys/BRXSDK_Bcad_V22_1_04"
4#Compiler is installed via apt-get install dotnet-sdk-5.0
5#Trying to compile samples/CsBrxMgdCivil
with dotnet msbuild /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release
does not work out of the box
6#A fresh project is set up using dotnet new console --framework net5.0
7#It compiles smoothly using dotnet msbuild /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release
8#The sample from 5# contains reference includes for BrxMgd
and TD_Mgd
, which I am unable to resemble in the csproj
file. I undergo the assumption that the dynamic library should reside in 1#, but I cannot find it. Variations of below syntax do not work.
<ItemGroup> <Reference Include="BrxMgd"> <HintPath>/opt/bricsys/bricscad/v22/libbrx22.so</HintPath> <Private>False</Private> </Reference> </ItemGroup>
Any hints are appreciated, even if it's the that C# + Bricscad + Linux might not be possible.
Best regards
"With BricsCAD V21, the supported .NET framework version is 4.5.1 (CLR version 4)"
It is a Windows only - .NET Core and now .NET 5 are multiplatform.0 -
I am able to do
using System; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace CS { class Program { [System.Security.SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] [DllImport("libbrx22.so", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)] internal static extern int acedGetEnv(string envName, StringBuilder ReturnValue); public static string GetEnv(string envName) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(2048); acedGetEnv(envName, buf); return buf.ToString(); } static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); } } }
Since the compiler does not throw an error I presume that
is found. When I then publishdotnet publish --configuration Release --framework net5.0
dotnet publish --self-contained -r linux-x64 --no-dependencies
and try to load the resulting output I receive the error
: APPLOAD Loading /home/sebastian/Dokumente/BricsCAD/CS/bin/Debug/net5.0/linux-x64/CS.dll Error loading "/home/sebastian/Dokumente/BricsCAD/CS/bin/Debug/net5.0/linux-x64/CS.dll": /home/sebastian/Dokumente/BricsCAD/CS/bin/Debug/net5.0/linux-x64/libCS.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. /home/sebastian/Dokumente/BricsCAD/CS/bin/Debug/net5.0/linux-x64/CS.dll loading failed.
So in my understanding I conclude, that it seems possible to import functionality from a shared object library from the install, but that either the compilation path is wrong, or that loading of dotnet libraries does not work. I am grateful for further comments.