How do I control the content of Section View Labels and Detail View Labels?

I asked this question in a "discussion", but thought I would repost as a question.
I want to be able to control what is included in section view labels and detail view labels. Label controls are not included in viewsectionstyle or viewdetailstyle dialog boxes, but I cannot imagine that they are hardwired into the software with no way to change how they are created.
Editing them after they are inserted is a huge waste of time. I need to be able to control them up front.


  • Funny That. I don't know if this counts as an answer, but I usually put my sections and details in a non printing layer. So the labels don't show at all and then I add my own labels. I too found it too clunky and difficult to control the labeling etc. with the veiwdetailstyle controls.

  • Difficult to control? There is no way to control the labels at all, or if there is I haven't found it.
    That particular feature should be somewhat customizable rather than having to have a work-around for it.