difference in UCS Icon appearance

hi all -
Working for a few days now with V22 (after V15), I've probably done something in a certain file that changed the UCS icon appearance from what i was used to (left side in the screenshot attached) to a different graphic (on the right) - not showing the WORLD (W) identification while drawing is actually 'world'ed.
(Currently i am working in 2D DRAFTING mode, though i did try some 3D operations, such as Perspective, 3D volumes, etc.)
Couldn't find the reason and significance of the change/difference, and/or whether it affects the drawing.
i don't know if it is related, but every now and then i experien a 'freeze' in zooming commands while in model space - no REGEN, Esc., or any other attempt 'releases' this situation. It only comes back to 'life' when i go to Paperspace and back to model.....

Would appreciate your advise'
