Bug in Pointclouds for BricsCAD 22?
I am afraid that there is a huge bug here. My problem: When assigning an rcp or rcs file, everything works but the result is not as expected. The point cloud appears incomplete and thins out more and more in concentric circles. I have already played around with all the parameters but the result is and remains incorrect. As a reference, I use the point cloud read in Recap, AutoCAD or BricsCAD 21, where the result is always identical or comparable. The bad thing is that this is not a display problem, because if the point cloud is transferred into a point file (*.pts), this is of course just as faulty. My colleagues can reproduce my observation. Attached are examples of the point cloud in Recap (identical to AutoCAD, Bricscad21 or any other programme) and in BricsCAD22.
We were already aware of this bug, and a fix is scheduled for a following maintenance release. If no unexpected merging issues arise, this could be for within a couple of weeks...
The issue was that the centers of these circles were assumed to be static scanner positions (one per imported rcs file), while in fact, they weren't...
A temporary workaround for now could be to export the rcs from Recap as pts and use that in BricsCAD
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Thank you for this quick answer. As another workaround, i temporarely changed the cache directory for Pointclods in BricsCAD 21 to that in BricsCAD 22 and attached the pointcloud with BricsCAD 21. So in BricsCAD 22 i was able to insert that Pointcloud too. It all looked well an the exported pts seemed to be correct.