Using XREF dependent layers in the VPLAYER command

Hello Everyone,

Had trouble with freezing xref dependent layers in the VPLAYER command.

Please advise.



  • I found the same problem, u can use LAYFRZ also in the viewport but it goes frozen in model as well. check LAYFRZ discusions
  • Anthony Apostolaros
    edited January 2023
    I've never used the VPLAYER command before, but I tried it just now and it worked fine in my old v17. It seems like a cumbersome way to freeze layers in a viewport, though. I had to type the entire name of each layer, which for an Xref-based layer is usually long and hard to remember and can't be copied and pasted from the Layers tab of the Drawing Explorer.

    Why not just click on the VP-Freeze column in Drawing Explorer? Or, better still, create a layerstate with the target layers turned off, and then restore that layerstate in any viewport to make those layers frozen in that viewport.