Command aliases don't seem to be working properly

I have 'default.pgp' in the first directory of the Support file search path (which is D:\CAD\BRICSCAD\SUPPORT; as I am transferring from Autocad and this directory has a lot of my configuration files).
But for some reason my aliases do not seem to have priority. An example:
The alias REC is short for rectangle but when I enter it at the prompt the first thing to highlight is RECENTFILES. This is not consistent -some of my aliases work and some don't.
If I type (findfile "default.pgp") I get "D:\\CAD\\BRICSCAD\\SUPPORT\\default.pgp".
There are two other default.pgp files on my workstation - one in Users\.. and one in Program files\.. but they are older from before when I edited default.pgp from acad.pgp.
Any help would be much appreciated!


  • If I remember correctly, the one you need to point to is the one in the 'Users' folder. You can check by editing one, save it, then check which one it is. If is confusing, been there done that. Hope this helps.
  • If you have a "default.pgp" file that you want to use, I'd suggest putting it in the Users support folder (AppData>Roaming). Then open Tools > Customize and look at the "Command Aliases" tab to see if it shows the aliases you want. If you want to edit command aliases, the Customize window is the easiest way to do that.
  • Thanks for your reply.
    When I click on customize>edit program parameters (acad.pgp) >
    I get "Unable to recognize command "AI_EDITCUSTFILE"."
    Also note the alias file is default.pgp, not acad.pgp - I renamed it when I was setting up.
    Cuiload shows three cuis - Bricscad, Acad and express. The 'customize' command gives me access to my cuis and there is a pgp section in the row of tabs and it does show all my command aliases, including 'rec' for rectangle.
    and it shows D:\CAD\BRICSCAD\SUPPORT\default.pgp as the file. I have that support directory as the first one in Support file search path in tools>options>program options>files - this is so anything that is changed gets backed up when I back up my D drive (daily).
    The whole system seems to be working pretty well but I am so used to my aliases that this problem (among others), though minor, is exasperating.
    Thanks for any comments or help!
  • Anthony Apostolaros
    edited January 2022

    ..... it does show all my command aliases, including 'rec' for rectangle. .....

    I'm confused. Do you mean it shows 'REC' as an alias for RECTANG?
    In my older version, RECTANGLE is not a command.
    In the "default.pgp" file that came with the installation (but which I've since replaced with my own custom version), RECTANGLE was an alias for the RECTANG command, and REC and RECT were also aliases for that.
    The Command Aliases page of Bricscad online support says that's still the case.

    .....The alias REC is short for rectangle but when I enter it at the prompt the first thing to highlight is RECENTFILES. This is not consistent -some of my aliases work and some don't. .....

    Have you created a custom command called RECTANGLE?
    If so, and if REC shows as an alias for that in the Aliases tab of the Customize dialog, then I think the first suggestion that should appear when you type REC is REC (RECTANGLE)
    I use RD as an alias for my custom command aRectangDim, and when I type RD the suggestion is RD (ARECTANGDIM)
    I haven't assigned REC as an alias, so the first suggestion I get when I type REC is RECENTPATH
  • That was the problem! There is no rectangle command therefore it didn't work. I will go through the file and check any others that are misbehaving as that is obviously (in hindsight) why.
    Thanks Anthony you get the gold star for the day!