Express tools - edittime

I have loaded the Bricscad Express Tools and there is an item /tools/dwg editing time - just like the autocad one. Click on it though - up pops 'Unable to recognize command "EDITTIME'.
it is a simple but effective time-in-drawing timer in Autocad.
shame it doesn't work.
Is there anything else, apart from the rather useless 'TIME' command?


  • Further to the above
    Looking at the express tools help, the tools sub-menu does not have EDITTIME listed
    so that's why it doesn't work!
  • By typing "time" the following appears

  • I've seen that. But Edittime has a very useful feature - it can be set to timeout after a period - so when you go to lunch your drawing will not be updating the timer!
  • Edittime is an Autodesk ARX file. There are quite a few links about converting ARX to BRX on the web. There is a Bricscad SDK available for signing up as a developer, but it would be beyond my expertise. I guess I'll just have to keep my work time on projects on scraps of paper and hope I don't miss anything!