V22 window/door doesn't snap to face of wall

edited March 2022 in BricsCAD BIM
When I start a new project with the bim template metric mm, doors and windows dont orientate to the face of a placed wall/planer solid. They stay horizontal when hoovering over walls.
dducs is on.
I think some settings are not okay.
What can I do.

Thanks in advance


  • Problem still not solved.

  • Hi Fred,

    Could you check if you have this settings on?

    Which v22 version are you using? Mine works fine - DUCS turned on, and even with the "walls" unclassified to become simply a vertical plane.

  • Thank you Kin,
    Enable for faces of 3d solids was off.
    Don't know how this could happen.

    Greetings Fred