Batch execution with c#

We want to run some c# scripts on many dwg with Bricscad. Currently we are opening Bricscad in a process with a /LD argument to load our plugin, then we do whatever is needed in the Initialize() function. However I don't know how to address these two points:
  • We need to pass some arguments to our Bricscad plugin, how can we do that?
  • As the scripts will run on some remote server, it would be better not to load the UI, or at least to have a silent mode to avoid dialogs to stop our scipts. Is it possible and how should we proceed?
Thanks for helping


  • There are many ways to pass data to a plugin. One way is to can pass a script file with /B command line parameter. The script can feed input to command line prompts from your plugin. You can pass the /automation parameter to start without UI, but keep in mind the legal and licensing implication of running on a remote server.
  • You can pass the /automation parameter to start without UI, but keep in mind the legal and licensing implication of running on a remote server.

    It seems to be exactely what I need. Is it documented anywhere? You might want to add it to your page about command line switchs.

    There are many ways to pass data to a plugin. One way is to can pass a script file with /B command line parameter. The script can feed input to command line prompts from your plugin.

    Is the /B switch executed afer the /LD switch? How do I create a c# command accepting arguments? I've tried this:
            public void test()
                PromptResult promptResult = ed.GetString("\nEnter the parameter: ");
                if (promptResult.Status != PromptStatus.OK) return;
    but I dont seem to be able to call my command from lisp: (command "test" "MyArgValue")
  • It looks like you're on the right track. I'm not sure why it fails, possibly as you surmise related to the particular sequence of processing a script (which happens first) vs. running lisp code (which doesn't happen until a document is activated). I recommend to submit a support ticket for this so our expert support analysts can assist.
  • In regards to loading behavior, probably better to refer to the Help, which is more recently updated

    Of interest with /LD & /B is the variety of files types that it will accept and work with.

    Jason Bourhill
    BricsCAD V22 Ultimate
    CAD Concepts
  • In regards to loading behavior, probably better to refer to the Help, which is more recently updated

    Sure, but /automation isn't listed there either ;)

    It looks like you're on the right track. I'm not sure why it fails, possibly as you surmise related to the particular sequence of processing a script (which happens first) vs. running lisp code (which doesn't happen until a document is activated). I recommend to submit a support ticket for this so our expert support analysts can assist.

    Ok thanks for the tips anyway, I will do a few more tests then submit a support ticket if needed.
  • For anyone else interrested into this, I've found some useful explanations here: