Where is the basic function...measure angle !?!

What it says in the title....where on earth is this most basic and essential command?


  • Use the Dist command. It will give you the distance between 2 points AND the angle in the XY plane.
    see :
  • Anthony Apostolaros
    edited June 2022
    To measure the angle between two lines, you can use the DIMANGULAR command, with a Space or Enter to skip to that mode. It sounds like you don't want to draw an angular dimension, so you'd have to delete the dimension entity afterward.

    Or you can use the attached custom command by Stig B. Madsen. It immediately prompts for vertex and legs, and then just displays the angle on the command line without drawing anything.

    The command is ANGLE, but you can change that to anything you want. You can also change the angle units and precision. The "0" in the (angtos) function means degrees. Other options are 1=deg/min/sec, 2=gradians, 3=radians, 4=surveyor units. Or omit it to use the AUNITS setting. The "4" means 4 decimal places, or omit it to use the AUPREC setting. See also LISP > AutoLISP Standard Functions > A > angtos in the Developer Reference.
  • Use the Dist command. It will give you the distance between 2 points AND the angle in the XY plane.
    see :

    I draw 2 lines, this doesn't give me the angle between them. I get an angle from the first to the X or Y plane which is not what I want.
    Been using Cad since the mid 90s and I have NEVER come across a package that can't do this simple thing.
    edited June 2022
    DIM ang as suggested if you want something like pick line1, pick line2 angle is "xxxx" this would be a lisp.
    Very very simple.

    There is a built in function CAL in Autocad and it does have ang(end,end,end) Bricscad does not have CAL but maybe in future.