Converting Annotative dims to Non-Annotative

Today I was working on a drawing from a vendor, which used annotative style of dimensions and text. I have never used this feature, because I am always adjusting dimensions to avoid conflicts with other things in the drawing. So, I don't want to have dimensions change size on me. Note that I am still on v14.

I thought that if I just unchecked the Annotative option, that would fix things, but instead everything went to an overall size scale of 1. Even when I changed the dimension style to a different one, it kept that scale of 1.

I thought a good fix would be to use the filter to choose all dimensions of a particular style, and then edit the overall scale factor to be equal to the scale factor in the dimension style. But, when I did that, if I later tried to change that dimension to use a different dimensions style, it remembered that manually entered overall scale.

I had a different set of problems when I tried working with existing text. It behaved as though there were tabs at places in the text, that could not be deleted. I ended up having to retype any mtext object that I wanted to edit.

Needless to say, it has made working with any existing text or dimensions quite a problem.

Any advice on how to deal with making annotative stuff no longer annotative?
