F2 - TEXTSCR V21 Mech

...ok...i've searched high and low and i still cannot figure out how to get a text screen in V21....have used default cui, tried setting a hot key, etc...any suggestions?


  • Use the TEXTSCR command.

    If you're using a Laptop, then you may need to press the FN + F2 key, as these keys have multiple assignments on a Laptop keyboard. Usually there is an option to switch the FN to being locked on.

    If you're a desktop user, then check your keyboard settings. Some allow customisation of the keys.

    Jason Bourhill
    BricsCAD V22 Ultimate
    CAD Concepts
  • ...have tried TEXTSCR and nothing pops up....same with PMHIST...running a desktop...as stated, tried setting a hotkey to run TEXTSCR...command does not work...
  • Possibly these windows are displaying off screen? This can happen if you have changed your monitor setup. You can quickly check whether this is the case by creating a new BricsCAD profile. This will run BricsCAD with default settings for window placements etc..

    You can find details on how to run BricsCAD with a new profile here.

    Jason Bourhill
    BricsCAD V22 Ultimate
    CAD Concepts