Colors on solids, faces, and edges in BricsCad

Hi all,

I'm fairly new to BricsCad. One thing that stands out for me from other 3D modeling software I've used is the way colors are separately applied to solids, faces, and edges as part of the normal process of modeling. For example, when you boolean subtract one solid from another of a different color, you get a single solid, but with faces of different colors. The new solid has the active color in properties assigned, although it may not look it.

I find it confusing that one solid has multiple colors, especially when you have a large complicated assembly. How are you able to tell which part is which?

In other software I have used, you could assign faces a special color but it was a conscious decision, usually for rendering. In normal circumstances each solid had a single color assigned and the faces all displayed that color.

Bricscad's method of assigning colors causes issues when saving to .step in Bricscad. Unless you go to the effort (sometimes considerable) to make sure all the faces are the colors you want, the .step model often has no colors at all, i.e. a lot of information is lost. Other software automatically assigns each object a color when saving to .step.

I don't believe this is an accident, it's too pervasive. Why has bricscad chosen this method of applying colors? Is there an advantage I don't understand? Does it assist with a particular workflow?

Please let me know.




  • Puzzles me too - often deceptive, looks like a solid's got itself onto the wrong layer etc ...