formula in dataextraction

How to use Add formula item in dataextraction wizard, page 4 ?
Does someone know where to find info on this issue?
Does someone have examples (dxd-file) ?


  • When you click Add formula item... it adds a row to the table with column Name / Formula actively highlighted with an "=" sign prompting for a formula. See below from online help on editing .dxd files:

    FormulaExpression is the expression in format as in \AcExpr formula fields, which can contain constants such as PI or functions such as SIN (see Using Expressions). An operand in an expression can be a DisplayPropertyName enclosed in arrow brackets (< >).
    For instance: =2 * PI * <Radius> calculates the circumference of a circle.

    where "Radius" would be the name of another property already in the table.

    I had to open the .dxd file itself to change the column name from FormulaProperty1, etc.

    As an example, I made a window schedule to calculate rough opening by adding 1/2 inch to the unit width:
    [Entity Types]
    The last bit sets the number output format.