Grab, type extend distance - fails

I select a line 1000mm long, grab its end grip, start to move to extend it, type 25, and it shrinks to 25mm long, not extends by 25 to 1025 as intended, and as used to be. The way round this is to type S for STRETCH before typing the 25, but that's a drag and used not to be necessary. Any other move/copy etc operation by grabbing a grip and starting to move it, responds as expected to typing in a distance for the move/copy. DYNPICOORDS is set to 0 i.e. Default mode for dynamic coordinates input is set to Relative. What other setting?


  • Maybe DYNMODE? I find that if it's positive I get the result you described. I keep it at -3.
  • But then no dynamic dimension displayed at all. +2 (Editable dyn dims) still does what I'm complaining about - but +4 (Tracking dyn dims) gives what I want - 'tracking' makes sense I suppose. Thanks v much.