Counting the occurrences of unique atoms
Is there a better way to count the occurrences of unique atoms in a list ?
Here is my code:
(defun c:fff() ;fff is just easy to press on a keyboard.
(setq aa '(1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3)) ; The test set of atoms
(setq bb '()) ;A secondary list to hold aa again for iterating throuh
(setq cc '()) ;This will be the dotted pair of atom and its count
(setq dd '()) ;The final list of all atoms and their counts
(setq ee '()) ;Just one of each unique atom and its count
(setq bb (append aa bb)) ;load aa int bb
(foreach xx aa
(setq ctr 0) ; A counter used to count the quantity of eacy uniuqe atom occurance
(foreach yy bb ;compare each item in aa to all of the items from aa copied to bb
;and move the counter up each time one occurs
(if (= xx yy)
(setq ctr (1+ ctr))
(setq cc (cons xx ctr)) ;create dotted pare of each atom and its number of occurances
(setq dd (cons cc dd)) ;pass the dotted pairs to a list
(foreach xx aa
(if (not (assoc xx ee)) ;only add the pairs form dd to ee if thay are not already in ee
(setq ee (cons (assoc xx dd) ee))
(print "ee") (print ee) (princ)
I don't know many of the vl codes, so perhaps it is possible to do this with just one function ?
Sorry about the weird format. The code format did that. Here it is againDFLY said:Hello
Is there a better way to count the occurrences of unique atoms in a list ?
Here is my code:(defun c:fff() ;fff is just easy to press on a keyboard. (setq aa '(1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3)) ; The test set of atoms (setq bb '()) ;A secondary list to hold aa again for iterating throuh (setq cc '()) ;This will be the dotted pair of atom and its count (setq dd '()) ;The final list of all atoms and their counts (setq ee '()) ;Just one of each unique atom and its count (setq bb (append aa bb)) ;load aa int bb (foreach xx aa (setq ctr 0) ; A counter used to count the quantity of eacy uniuqe atom occurance (foreach yy bb ;compare each item in aa to all of the items from aa copied to bb ;and move the counter up each time one occurs (if (= xx yy) (setq ctr (1+ ctr)) ) ) (setq cc (cons xx ctr)) ;create dotted pare of each atom and its number of occurances (setq dd (cons cc dd)) ;pass the dotted pairs to a list ) (foreach xx aa (if (not (assoc xx ee)) ;only add the pairs form dd to ee if thay are not already in ee (setq ee (cons (assoc xx dd) ee)) ) ) (print "ee") (print ee) (princ) )
I don't know many of the vl codes, so perhaps it is possible to do this with just one function ?
(defun c:fff() ;fff is just easy to press on a keyboard.
(setq aa '(1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3)) ; The test set of atoms
(setq bb '()) ;A secondary list to hold aa again for iterating throuh
(setq cc '()) ;This will be the dotted pair of atom and its count
(setq dd '()) ;The final list of all atoms and their counts
(setq ee '()) ;Just one of each unique atom and its count
(setq bb (append aa bb)) ;load aa int bb
(foreach xx aa
(setq ctr 0) ; A counter used to count the quantity of eacy uniuqe atom occurance
(foreach yy bb ;compare each item in aa to all of the items from aa copied to bb
;and move the counter up each time one occurs
(if (= xx yy)
(setq ctr (1+ ctr))
(setq cc (cons xx ctr)) ;create dotted pare of each atom and its number of occurances
(setq dd (cons cc dd)) ;pass the dotted pairs to a list
(foreach xx aa
(if (not (assoc xx ee)) ;only add the pairs form dd to ee if thay are not already in ee
(setq ee (cons (assoc xx dd) ee))
(print "ee") (print ee) (princ)
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; (count_atoms '(1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3)) (defun count_atoms (lst / fnd res) (foreach itm lst (if (setq fnd (assoc itm res)) (setq res (subst (cons itm (1+ (cdr fnd))) fnd res)) (setq res (cons (cons itm 1) res)) ) ) (reverse res) )
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Wow! Thanks. So much to digest from such a small script. I didn't know I could cons an atom with nil.Roy Klein Gebbinck said:; (count_atoms '(1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3)) (defun count_atoms (lst / fnd res) (foreach itm lst (if (setq fnd (assoc itm res)) (setq res (subst (cons itm (1+ (cdr fnd))) fnd res)) (setq res (cons (cons itm 1) res)) ) ) (reverse res) )
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Nil is special. It is both an atom and an empty list:
(atom nil) => T (listp nil) => T (= nil '()) => T