Beginners help needed

Hi All. I am new to the forum and the CAD and iam thinking of buying bricscad, I normally deal in point clouds from drone work, but my client wants me to overlay there CAD plans on the a site image generated from a point cloud created in pix4d and opened in N4CE. When they send there plan's over there's is so much information in them that n4ce struggle to open them. So my question is there a way to remove the unneeded info so that I can overlay the CAD plan without losing and visual data?


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  • The obvious is delete so remove what you dont want, you can say make a lisp that will help select objects you don't want say dimensions and text then delete.

    Get the trial version I think the lite supports lisp.
  • Thank you. What is lisp??
  • edited February 2023
    Lisp is a programming language that can be used to create custom Bricscad commands. The code has to be in a simple text file with .LSP as the filename extension. You can load a lisp file with the APPLOAD command. Once it's loaded, you can use any custom commands defined in the file just like built-in commands. Writing the code is a little harder, but it often turns out that someone else has already written what you need and is happy to share it with you. What kinds of unneeded info do you want to remove?

    Another way to do the selection that Alan mentioned is by using the Quick Select panel, which is a kind of alter ego of the Properties panel. See and

    Also, some types of custom selection can be done by the free Express Tools add-on application, which is available at I think most of the Express Tools are written in Lisp, but it's possible that some are written in a programming language that's not included with the Lite version of Bricscad.
  • Thank you. It clear I have a lot to learn


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