Raise tin surface elevation

Is there a way to raise the overall elevation levels on a tin surface easily? AutoCAD allowed you raise or lower the surface quite quickly but I can't seem to find anything for BricsCAD. Basically, I have a proposed surface that will have 300mm of surplus fill added to it for settlement. I need to create a volume comparison of the 2 surfaces.

If not, how can I change the overall UCS elevation for 3D polylines? Changing the Z position from say 30m to 30.3m is giving me a minimum/maximum UCS elevation of 30.0m and 30.3m. I need the whole line to be 30.3 metres not a line that goes from 30-30.3m.


  • Sorry if I misunderstand, but you can just raise the tin surface using the manipulator
  • Sorry if I have also misunderstood but isnt the volume difference is just the area X 0.300m?
  • In this case, yes, it is just the area x 0.3, but raising the surface is a tool that I used often in the past and was reminded of that option for this job.
  • TIN:
    use the move command and move the TIN on the z-axis or use the manipulator and grab the blue line to change the z-axis

    3D Poly:
    if I understand right you changed the z value for the 3D Poly in the properties panel, right? So you just changed 1 vertex from all the 3D Poly has. if you want to move the whole 3D Poly use the move command or the manipulator.

    See the attachment for the vertex in the properties panel