How can i enable the ExpressTools AutoLISP functions, such as ACET-TEXTMASK-* ?
I want to be able to use the functions such as (acet-textmask-make-wipeout ENT OSET) in a custom AutoLISP command, which works really great, but I have one small problem.
I’m using BricsCAD v21 and I cannot have access to the acet-* functions until I have performed a regular express tool command, such as C:Textmask, at least once. Then the functions seems to be loaded and no errors happen afterward…
If I try to run my custom command right after opening a drawing, I get the error :
How can I enable the functions silently? (Without having to ask the user to do the Textmask command prior to using my command)…
I’m using BricsCAD v21 and I cannot have access to the acet-* functions until I have performed a regular express tool command, such as C:Textmask, at least once. Then the functions seems to be loaded and no errors happen afterward…
If I try to run my custom command right after opening a drawing, I get the error :
Error: no function definition <ACET-TEXTMASK-GROUP-LIST> ; expected FUNCTION at [eval]
, until I perform a manual Textmask on a text, then I can use my custom command and all the acet-* codes work.How can I enable the functions silently? (Without having to ask the user to do the Textmask command prior to using my command)…
The only way i have found is using a macro in my menu to start and cancel Textmask... :
^c^c_nomutt;1; ^c^cTextmask ^c^c_nomutt;0; ^c^cMyCustomLisp
Still.. i see the NoMutt variable being changed in the command line and it is not pretty...
Maybe i can integrate this kind of start and cancel statement in my lisp code? haven't been successful though.0 -
Sounds like the acet code needs to be loaded, as an example EXTRIM calls the EXTRIM.LSP to be silently loaded 1st but you can run hidden extrim functions, 2 gotchas, load Extrim and function in a lisp to use is named ETRIM.0
@Martin Drese found my answer right away.
I needed to load "Express.des"
I had tried (load “textmask”) and (load “acetutil”) without success, but I should have tried “express” which i can clearly see in the Express Tools support files...
PS: It is to be noted that since BricsCAD V23 the whole Expresstools are included. No need to get them as 3rd party.0 -
(load "et_loader.des")
should be sufficient, for most cases ... otherwise, loading the command-specific .des file should help (as Alan mentioned).
good luck & many greetings !0