How can i enable the ExpressTools AutoLISP functions, such as ACET-TEXTMASK-* ?

I want to be able to use the functions such as (acet-textmask-make-wipeout ENT OSET) in a custom AutoLISP command, which works really great, but I have one small problem.
I’m using BricsCAD v21 and I cannot have access to the acet-* functions until I have performed a regular express tool command, such as C:Textmask, at least once. Then the functions seems to be loaded and no errors happen afterward…

If I try to run my custom command right after opening a drawing, I get the error : Error: no function definition <ACET-TEXTMASK-GROUP-LIST> ; expected FUNCTION at [eval], until I perform a manual Textmask on a text, then I can use my custom command and all the acet-* codes work.

How can I enable the functions silently? (Without having to ask the user to do the Textmask command prior to using my command)…


  • 1LandSurveyor
    edited March 2023
    The only way i have found is using a macro in my menu to start and cancel Textmask... :
    ^c^c_nomutt;1; ^c^cTextmask ^c^c_nomutt;0; ^c^cMyCustomLisp
    Still.. i see the NoMutt variable being changed in the command line and it is not pretty...

    Maybe i can integrate this kind of start and cancel statement in my lisp code? haven't been successful though.
    edited March 2023
    Sounds like the acet code needs to be loaded, as an example EXTRIM calls the EXTRIM.LSP to be silently loaded 1st but you can run hidden extrim functions, 2 gotchas, load Extrim and function in a lisp to use is named ETRIM.
  • @Martin Drese found my answer right away.
    I needed to load "Express.des"

    I had tried (load “textmask”) and (load “acetutil”) without success, but I should have tried “express” which i can clearly see in the Express Tools support files...

    PS: It is to be noted that since BricsCAD V23 the whole Expresstools are included. No need to get them as 3rd party.
  • using
    (load "et_loader.des")
    should be sufficient, for most cases ... otherwise, loading the command-specific .des file should help (as Alan mentioned).
    good luck & many greetings !