Easiest Way to get a Cut through TIN Surface
in 3D Modeling
I want to draw 6 cuts (blue in img) through two tin-surfaces (green and brown in img). What is the easiest way to day this?
Thank you.
I want to draw 6 cuts (blue in img) through two tin-surfaces (green and brown in img). What is the easiest way to day this?
Thank you.
If you really want to cut meaning Slice the TIN surface follow the steps :
1. TIN surface
2. Explode the TIN 2 times to get a polyface-Mesh
3. Use CONVTOSURFACE command to convert the PfaceMesh to a ACIS Surface
4. Use the SLICE command and an extruded Surface to slice the ACIS Surface to 2 surfaces
5. Use CONVTOMESH command to convert the 2 surfaces to meshes
6. Explode the meshes to 3DFACES
7. Use the TIN command to produce 2 TIN surfaces by selecting the 3DFACES from (6)
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Thank you for your very good answer! However, I do not want to cut the tin-surface, rather than produce a view of the tin surface along an axis which a can measure (see image).
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1.Use the TINEXTRACT command to produce a Solid between the 2 TIN Surfaces
Select TIN surface [selection options (?)]:
Extract [Mesh/Solid/Points/Faces/Contours/Border] : S
Enter vertical offset or select [between Surfaces/Elevation] <1.0000>: S
Select second TIN surface [selection options (?)]:
1 entities extracted..........
2. Use the SECTION command to section the Solid (cyan) as required......
The created Sections of the in-Between Solid are REGIONS and can be further exploded to curves...splines if required.
You can then measure as wished .
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Some Screenshots of the resulting solid and 2D profiles....
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Why not create a vertical alignment? To do this:
- Use the ALIGNMENTLINE command and use the option to Create new alignment. Pick two points in the plan view where you want your section to be, crossing your TIN surface.
- Use the ALIGNMENTVIEW command to select your Alignment line, then your TIN surface. Then pick a point somewhere in the plan view to place your section.
Jason Bourhill
BricsCAD V23 Ultimate
CAD Concepts0 - Use the ALIGNMENTLINE command and use the option to Create new alignment. Pick two points in the plan view where you want your section to be, crossing your TIN surface.
Thank you. My problem with ALIGNMENTLINE and ALIGNMENTVIEW was that I could only select one TIN Surface and not two. Is there a way to show two or more surfaces?0
You can create 2 Alignmentlines superimposed in 2 different Layers in order to be able to select them and 2 Alignmentviews, which always have a frame with identical Length , as far as the alignment lines have the same length !
In order to correlate the two alignment views, the height difference of the 3D alignments is required .
The height difference of the start Points for example (2 red circles) can be used to superimpose and correlate the profiles !
Just use the lisp code to get the height difference of the start points to be used for moving the alignment views to place.....
: (setq h2 (caddr(cdr(assoc 10 (entget(car(entsel "Select Startpoint of first 3D Alignment:")))))))
Select Startpoint of first 3D Alignment: 6423.53469688727
: (setq h1 (caddr(cdr(assoc 10 (entget(car(entsel "Select Startpoint of second 3D Alignment:")))))))
Select Startpoint of second 3D Alignment: 5869.64953532316
: (setq dif (- h2 h1))
Use !dif as move distance to superimpose the 2 alignment views and the command MOVE.
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...by using the lisp code, select the 2 circles of the 3d alignments.....0
Well, one should read carefully the documentation...me too !
The command ALIGNMENTEDIT does it all .
A second TIN or more can be added to any Alignment View....
Select horizontal or vertical alignment [selection options (?)]:
Edit alignment options [Continue with Pi/Delete Element/Add Pi/Remove Pi/change Tin surface/Add Station equation/Remove Station equation]: T
Select TIN surface to add [selection options (?)]: