Subtract command - solid modeling

Know anybody any posibilities to make a subtract command for 2 solids?I see that the Intellicad does not have this command, and in Autocad this command exist. Please help me. I need them for one of my customer.


  • Intellicad does not support solids editing as of yet. You will need Architecturals to do that.

  • I'm pretty clear on the limitations of I-CAD (A Very Awsome deal for the money IMHO) But just for my info: Is Solid Modeling possible with Architecturals ? I think there was a demo on my origional BricsCAD install CD but I've not ever play with it.Dez

  • Creating and editing solids will be supported in IntelliCAD ver. 4, which is to be expected soon now (currently beta testing).About Architecturals: Architecturals (as is suggested in its name) is solid modeling software that is originally designed to create building models with. However, since it creates solids, it can be used to model any object. As an introduction to Architecturals, you can watch the viewlets on the bricscad website.

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