Complete Bill of Materials


I regularly make prefab pipe drawings according to the attached example. The piping components come from the standard Bricscad library but I also have a number of appendages that should be listed. How can I add data for a component so that it also appears in the Bill of Materials. To the left of the pipe sections are 3 appendages that also consist of different parts. I would also like these separate parts on the drawing in the BOM


  • Beste JanJaap,

    Based on your description of the issues you are having, I suspect you are not using the Mechanical Assembly correctly. In order for components to show up in the BOM you need to insert them as "Components".
    just copy pasting them does not work. You can use "Form Component" to turn non components to components.
    When you have done this, after updating the BOM the items should show up.

    In order to show the "Size" property you have to make sure that components you add have a user property with the same name as the other components.

    If you need help send me a DM and I can help you set up your drawing.
