Line whit slope

Is it possible to draw a line with a definite slope?


  • Anthony Apostolaros
    edited July 2023
    The Line command has an A option after the first point is picked. If you press A instead of picking the second point, you can then enter the angle and the length of the line.
  • > @Anthony Apostolaros said:
    > The Line command has an A option after the first point is picked. If you press A instead of picking the second point, you can then enter the angle and the length of the line.

    Is that for 2D-drawing? Does it work Z-axes(3D-drawing).
  • Anthony Apostolaros
    edited August 2023
    I think the A option is only for specifying an angle in the XY plane. But after drawing it, you could use the Rotate3D command to give it an angle in the Z direction too.

    If you want to specify the line's slope by its relative change in the X, Y, and Z directions, you can use @. For example, to draw a line that slopes 3 units in the Y direction and -2 units in the Z direction for every 1 unit in the X direction, you could enter @1,3,-2 instead of picking the End point. After it's drawn, you can specify its length by using the T option of the Lengthen command.