Text Rotation inside UCS

Hi All,

Is there any way to have text rotation relative to a UCS instead of World?

I.e. the text in the image is set to 0 rotation. I would like to put all text on a 30 degree angle relative to the UCS which is how my viewport is set up. I can't see a way to do this without measuring my UCS angle and using that to adjust rotation, which isn't a huge inconvenience but does seem like it could be smarter.

Ash :smile:


  • You can use this to get the relative angle to WCS-angle and copy the result to clipboard:
    (defun c:rta( / ax )
    (setq ax (angle (trans '(0 0) 1 0) (trans '(1 0) 1 0)))
    (setq ax (rtd ax))
    (setq ax (+ ax (getreal "Enter relativ Textangle: ")))