selection set by effective name for both regular blocks and parametric blocks (*U Type)

edited August 2023 in LISP Codes
as a resault of a need in a lisp,
I had to make a selection set of blocks by their effective name,
because the regular way whould have taken a parametric/dynamic/anonymous blocks by their *U name and not by their effective (insert) name.
I found this old post that solve that (very big for me) problem:
; Function to create a selection set of standard & dynamic blocks
; That have the same Effective name
(defun BlockSSET (blname / sset ss-dyn num ent effname)
   (vl-load-com) ; ensure that ActiveX is loaded. 
   (if (not (setq sset (ssget "X" (list (cons 2 blname))))) ; Select block with standard method. This will also capture dynamic blocks in their default state. 
      (setq sset (ssadd)) ; if nothing is found then create and empty selection set
 (if (setq ss-dyn (ssget "X" (list (cons 2 "`*U*")))) ; select all anonymous blocks. this will also capture any dynamic blocks that have been worked with
      (progn ; If anonymous blocks found, check for the given effective name
            (setq num 0) ; zero counter
           (repeat (sslength ss-dyn) ; repeat for the number of objects in the selection set
             (setq ent (ssname ss-dyn num)) ; find the entity name
             (setq effname (vla-get-EffectiveName (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))) ; Find the EffectiveName of the block
              (if (= blname effname) ; if the blockname matches the effective name
                  (ssadd ent sset) ; then add it to the original selection set
              ); end if
         (setq num (1+ num)) ; Increment the counter by one
; return the gathered selection set
with one small change:
replace that line in code:
(setq effname (vla-get-EffectiveName (vlax-ename->vla-object ent))) ; Find the EffectiveName of the block

to that:
(setq effname (getpropertyvalue ent "EffectiveName~Native")) ; Find the EffectiveName of the block

hope it will help,