How to close this?

I made a object with polyline and change the height with General->Thickness but the top part is open. I want it closed how?


  • dugBarnz
    edited October 2023
    FYI: A Polyline is not a solid. A Polyline is a "face" entity.

    Use the Modeling tools to accomplish what it "sounds" like you're trying to achieve.
    2) Tuesday Tips - Solids, Surfaces, and Meshes
    3) Creating solids using the EXTRUDE command

    Alternatively, you could use the 3DFACE command and create "faces" to "fill in" the top part. Note that edges of 3DFACE entities can be changed to not be visible, with Properties.

    It all depends on what you're trying to achieve, regarding which of the above you should use. IMO, Solids are the most flexible, if you're working to focus on the exterior of the shape. Maybe it is a mix of the two, solids and faces (and meshes).

    With my experience in architecture it appears you're creating a building. If you're looking to create a "slab" above the walls and maintain the walls, and interior below, copy the Polyline and use the EXTRUDE command to convert the Polyline to a solid and give it thickness. You can use that same command if you're not interested in maintaining an "open space" inside of polyline, and are focused on the exterior shape.
  • dugBarnz
    edited October 2023
    Here is what I intended with the three bulleted links (if you saw my inadvertent errored links, which are now fixed):
    2) Tuesday Tips - Solids, Surfaces, and Meshes
    3) Creating solids using the EXTRUDE command
  • i have the lite version extrude doesnt work
  • If the Polyline is healthy
    (closed?, no overlappings or gaps)

    Direct Modeling

    - check that Selection has Boundary Detection Mode activated
    - hover cursor over the inside of the Polyline
    - the inside should highlight in blue
    - from QUAD, choose Extrude
    - drag cursor a bit and enter desired height value in DYNDIM
    - delete Polyline


    - Select Polyline
    - Menu : Draw / Region
    - hover cursor over region
    - from QUAD, choose Extrude
    - drag cursor a bit and enter desired height value in DYNDIM
    - Press ENTER
  • How about copying the polyline that is drawn for the "floor", up to be the "roof"?

    A bit more direction on what your trying to achieve plus your drawing file would assist if the above answers are not providing you with the results you're wanting.