Parameters of parametric Block not reacting anymore in V23 and V24

I have got a parametric block made from a contractor. It's a dynamic plotframe

It has parameters for height and width of the block and it has automatic foldmarks that match the format automatically.

For some reason the parameters for height and width stopped reacting: When new values are entered ,the block does not change its size anymore. But the foldmarks still get updated correctly.

The block was created in V22.
In V21 and V22 it works, but in V23 and V24 it does not work - tested on multiple PCs.

It would be great to know if this is a bug and if there is a possible workaround for this problem.

Kind regards
Nicolas Blume


  • Hi!
    I noticed that in the block there are two arrays for small lines along the perimeter of the drawing area (between the paper and the drawing area, one array for horizontal and one for vertical). Those arrays are constrained to the frame and at the same time, they are controlled by the frame dimensions (Breite + Hoehe). So in my opinion, it is double-constrained within the array. My recommendation would be to delete the two arrays and start to program the small lines from scratch but this time retraining from constraining array elements to the frame (just define the values for the array based on parameters).

    I have no idea why it worked in v22 and v23 / v24 it does not (since I do not have v22 I cannot check this up). You could send a ticket with a support request for this. I guess with each major update they are slightly messing up with dynamic blocks and although it is in most cases backward compatible from time to time it does not work as intended.