Plane detect

With the plane detect command, when the wall has pictures or bumps for some reason, will this effect the plane or does it manage to pick out the main flat surface?


  • if the seed point that you select is part of the wall, it manages to pick out the main flat surface
  • > said:
    > if the seed point that you select is part of the wall, it manages to pick out the main flat surface

    Ok, thanks for the reply. I will send you a picture of the plane detection in the bubble views. It shows the picture coloured as if it's taken into account
  • you might see that in the bubble viewer, but the actual plane that is inserted in the dwg is only based on the points that are on the same surface as the seed point
  • >ok thanks. What about bends in walls etc. does it just do one flat plane or can it produce a few to better fit the shape? said:
    > you might see that in the bubble viewer, but the actual plane that is inserted in the dwg is only based on the points that are on the same surface as the seed point
  • It only works on flat planes.