trimming lines with hatching

I've just installed V24 and I'm trying to trim some lines (extend also does the same thing), however where there is some hatching (within an xref) set behind the line it doesn't let me trim the line (there's an easy, but annoying, workaround in that I can just turn on and off the xref which has the hatching, however the hatching is showing me where I need to place the lines so is a little tedious).

Other information, it looks like it's trying to select both the line and hatching at the same time and as you hover over the line it looks like it has trimmed it, however when you click and then move away it reverts back to how it was.

Anyone got any suggestions as to how to get it to work?


  • Try to change a value of PREVIEWFILTER variable - when you exclude entities on Xrefs, they will not highlighted during TRIM command execution (though you still can pick and select them).

    Possible values of the variable (default is 1):
    1: Exclude entities on locked layers
    2: Exclude entities in xrefs
    4: Exclude tables
    8: Exclude multiline text entities
    16: Exclude hatch entities
    32: Exclude entities in groups
  • 'Send Behind' or 'Send to Back' the hatch (behind the linework)?