Mapconnect Georeference BING map background

I am having difficulty trying to get the Bing Maps background on BricCAD.

So far I have went through the following process
Click on Geolocation - Geographic Location - set to Edinburgh and I have tried both OSGB-WGS84 and BritishNationalGrid

I have clicked Use Map Grid coordinates

However when i go into Mapconnect there is nothing on the left hand side
is there a URL to use that would be of assistance? image attached if it works.

Working from UK


  • Lyubov Osina
    edited November 2023
    Mapconnect command allows to download data from specific WMS servers. To display BING map, please use GEOMAP command (it's neseccary to get a Bing Maps Key from ).
  • Lyubov, thanks for your help this did work a couple days ago but has now said Invalid Bing Maps and the Aerial imagery does now show