BricsCad equivalent of a blocktable (or update multiple attribute/parameter on 1 choice)

edited November 2023 in 2D Drafting
Hi all, and thanks for reading in advance.
I'm looking to change an attribute depending on a certain choice (option box like Autocad Blocktable) or change it depending on a visibilty would also work.

I'll explain the use case.
I need a block that represents different scaffolding props.
according to the choice an ArticleNumber is edited.
This (alongside other data) is then exported (data extraction) and pasted into an excel.

In autocad this was possible using a blocktable.
If i choose from the first column, all other columns are then updated.
It can also change the visibilty of a block (but this slowed the updating time for big selections immensely (in Acad at least)).


  • If you have BricsCAD Mechanical (or Ultimate) then design tables may do what you want.
    If my interpretation is correct you want something similar to the predefined components in the library (e.g. bolts where you can select a desired bolt size and the bolt info and object change accordingly and you can change this later by selecting a different bolt size)
    edited November 2023
    I have something but it allows pick by Radio Buttons so description would be PGD55-3.0-5-20Kn and so on.