Purge with 'nested items' option?

Hi all,

I was wondering. Is there a way to purge nested items when purging? Now I have to do it manually several times. I thought I once read that BricsCAD was able to do this, but I'm not sure.

Thanks for thinking with me!


  • I've never tried it, but the online help page for the -PURGE command says that if you use the BA option it will purge nested entities.
  • Thanks! I'll try that one. The Dialog page of the PURGE command took me to this page: https://help.bricsys.com/document/_dialogboxes--DB_purge/V24/EN_US?id=165727492810

    There I didn't find it. But using -PURGE instead of PURGE in the command line gives more options than the dialog box. I'll consider making a feature request for some more options from the command placed in the dialog box.

    Thanks again!
  • Yes, currently there is no option for nested purge in PURGE dialog, this could be done via command line only, as
    Anthony suggested. It's a good idea to send a feature request about it to add a voice to other requests of this option.