Python Wrappers for BricsCAD

Any Python Experts out there want to alpha test Python wrappers for BricsCAD?
Python 3.12 wrappers around BRX, GUI interface is wxPython.
Testers should know their way around the APIs, and know Python.

All open source,
See the README and README install
v1.1.152 Preview has a binary for BricsCAD V24 pro

some sample here
lots of stuff here


  • Here's a sample doing data extraction using pandas

    import traceback
    import PyRx as Rx
    import PyGe as Ge
    import PyGi as Gi
    import PyDb as Db
    import PyAp as Ap
    import PyEd as Ed

    import pandas as pd

    def PyRxCmd_doit():
    filter = [(Db.DxfCode.kDxfStart, "INSERT")]
    ssres: tuple[Ed.PromptStatus, Ed.SelectionSet] =
    if ssres[0] != Ed.PromptStatus.eOk:

    dataMap = {"Layer": [], "Name": [], "QTY": []}

    for id in ssres[1].objectIds():
    ref = Db.BlockReference(id)

    df = pd.DataFrame(dataMap)
    df = df.groupby(["Layer", "Name"],
    sort=False, as_index=False).agg({"QTY": "sum"})

    with pd.ExcelWriter("e:\\pandas_to_excel.xlsx") as writer:
    df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="sheet1", index=False)

    except Exception as err:

  • Last sample for inspiration. Import a shape file as polylines using geopandas

    import traceback
    import PyRx as Rx
    import PyGe as Ge
    import PyGi as Gi
    import PyDb as Db
    import PyAp as Ap
    import PyEd as Ed

    import geopandas as gp

    def makePline(pnts, model, color):
    pline = Db.Polyline(pnts)

    def PyRxCmd_doit():
    filePath = "E:\\Municipal_Boundaries_of_Italy_2019\\Com01012019_WGS84.shp"
    gdf = gp.read_file(filePath)

    db = Db.curDb()
    model = Db.BlockTableRecord(db.modelSpaceId(), Db.OpenMode.kForWrite)

    #do MultiPolygon first
    gdf0 = gdf.loc[gdf.geometry.geometry.type=='MultiPolygon']
    for mp in list(gdf0.geometry):
    for p in mp.geoms:
    makePline(list(p.exterior.coords), model, 4)

    gdf1 = gdf.loc[gdf.geometry.geometry.type=='Polygon']
    for p in gdf1.geometry:
    makePline(list(p.exterior.coords), model, 3)

    gdf2 = gdf.loc[gdf.geometry.geometry.type=='LineString']
    for p in gdf2.geometry:
    makePline(list(p.coords), model, 2)

    except Exception as err:
  • Hi NigelTufnel,

    Wow, that's great!
    I tested some of your sample scripts, and those worked like a charm!
    I will do some more testing with custom scripts as well.

    We've exposed some of our BIM properties functions with BIMPYTON

    But this is a very nice and useful addition!
  • Thanks for testing!
    I never noticed BIMPYTHON, I’ll have a look! Really, Python is the coolest scripting language, a perfect match for CAD, surprised this hasn’t been done before. Though, I’ve seen a few projects like PyAcad and PyAutoCAD make valiant attempts
    My goal is to create the ultimate CAD scripting language. Simple as Lisp, the power of BRX, without the verbosity of .NET :)
  • This sample is cool “Web Scrape to a BricsCAD table”

    Python is just too much fun.