InPower V1.02.11 BricsCAD V23 Ubuntu V20.04 LTS Installation and Testing

InPower was compiled for the new Linux BricsCAD V23 SDK with no problems.

BricsCAD V23 and Ubuntu V22.04 LTS Desktop had mouse issues when BricsCAD "stretch" was used with KVM VM's. Base bare metal machine install of Ubuntu 22.04 seems to work fine. I completed minimal testing with base bare metal 22.04. Ubuntu 22.04 also seemed to be slow.

Ubuntu V20.04 LTS Desktop is working great. This will be the OS for InPower for the near future.

I will put the installation and testing notes here in this thread.


  • V24 is not working at all, crushing continuously. After several uninstalls and installs now it says your trial is ended in a day. If you install version 24 on ubuntu 22.04 LTS please let me know.
  • Cnut
    edited March 19
    Still working with V23. Just had the tool bar disappear again. Everything else seems to be working well. InPower V1.02.14 added single phase fault and arc flash. Moved back to Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop LTS due to mouse issues.