Reinstall of BricsCAD V20 on a fresh Ubuntu O/S fails with Redsdk RED_FAIL

Don't know what happened to my Ubuntu 20.04LTS O/S, but it started giving me grief, so I removed the Bricscad license successfully and reinstalled Ubuntu 20.04LTS, fully patched, on the exact same hardware (AMD Radeon rx 580 board).

After installing BricsCAD V20 again, successfully, it fails when trying to bring up an old drawing with:
(1) Redsdk API error code
RED_FAIL:engine internal error.

Anyone know what this is complaining about?


  • Hi RoatanBill,

    Is there a possibility that something has gone wrong with your graphics card driver?

    All the best,
  • Sorry for the delay in answering, but I got no notice of your post.

    Several months ago, I installed a cheap AMD® Radeon rx 580 board because the Nvidia P400 I had was too slow in zooming. I replaced the Nvidia with the AMD, installed the driver from AMD and BricsCAD was much faster in zooming, 10X as fast, so all was well. At that time, the Nvidia drivers were still on the system because there was no way to get rid of them.

    Months passed and something corrupted my Ubuntu O/S. So I reinstalled Ubuntu, fully patched, on the exact same hardware, reinstalled the AMD driver and reinstalled BricsCAD and now every old drawing I attempt to bring up fails with the RedSDK error.

    I went looking for some RedSDK driver that I might be missing but every link I hit on the site produced a 404 error. I just hit that site again a few minutes ago and it's now there, but completely revamped. There's nothing there about downloading what I might be missing.

    The Bricsys link for "How to fix the REDSDK error?" mentions a utility, REDSDKINFO, that's nowhere on my system, and since there's no date on that page, I have no idea if it's current or from the time of Noah.

    Am I missing some driver?
  • Billie
    edited February 2024
    Hi @RoatanBill

    The REDSDKINFO command in BricsCAD should print out information tot he commandline about your current set-up. It should look something like this:

    RedSDK version: 5.1 (build 5971)
    RenderUsingHardware: Hybrid hardware/software mode with preferred hardware rendering.
    OpenGL window creation succeeded.
    Operating system: Win_ten64
    Desktop composition (Aero) is enabled.
    Local GPU:
    GPU information:
    name: 'Unknown ATI graphics adapter'
    chipset: ''
    class: 'HW_ATI_GENERIC'
    asicID: '0x1638'
    vendorID: '0x1002'
    recommended driver: unknown
    Installed driver:
    driver: ''
    dll version: ''
    validation: 'Ok'
    Installed driver is up-to-date.
    Local GPU:
    GPU information:
    name: 'Unknown NVIDIA graphics adapter'
    chipset: ''
    class: 'HW_NVIDIA_GENERIC'
    asicID: '0x249d'
    vendorID: '0x10de'
    recommended driver: unknown
    Installed driver:
    driver: 'NVIDIA Forceware 551.23'
    dll version: ''
    This driver is newer than all internal known revisions.
    validation: 'Ok'
    Installed driver is up-to-date.
    Selected GPU (created for GPU check):
    Chipset: HW_NVIDIA_G400
    Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation ( IsNVidia )
    OpenGL version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 551.23
    Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Laptop GPU/PCIe/SSE2
    Try updating or reinstalling your AMD® Radeon drivers. Maybe something was missing during the initial install?
  • Thanks to you, I now understand I was supposed to execute REDSDKINFO inside the app instead of looking for the command as a utility.

    I also believe I see the problem - It thinks there's no GPU but then identifies the board's hardware. This was working fine before I nuked the box's operating system.

    RedSDK version: 4.4 (build 8)
    RenderUsingHardware: Hybrid hardware/software mode with preferred hardware rendering.
    OpenGL window creation succeeded.
    Operating system: Linux_64
    No local GPU found.
    Selected GPU (created for GPU check):
    Chipset: HW_ATI_R800
    Vendor: AMD ( IsATI )
    OpenGL version: 4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 23.0.4-0ubuntu1~22.04.1
    Renderer: AMD Radeon RX 580 2048SP (polaris10, LLVM 15.0.7, DRM 3.54, 6.5.0-15-generic)
    OpenGL extensions: GL_ARB_multisample GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_minmax
  • I reinstalled the drivers for the board and that produced no change. I'm going to look for alternate drivers but so far can't find any.

    Thanks for your help.
  • @Billie
    Tried every driver I could find and no change.
    Upgraded the box to Ubuntu 23.10, no change.

    My other heavy duty graphics apps work perfectly - Velocidrone and FlightGear. When I'm on those and I do something that needs graphics horsepower, I can hear the fans speed up but everything works. When I installed the Radeon board initially, the change in those apps was a huge improvement and they function now at the same level I experienced then so the board is doing its job.

    I'm going to nuke this box again and reinstall Ubuntu 22.04LTS one more time to see if this problem persists or if things work as they should.

    Thanks for your help in pointing me in the right direction.
  • Hi @RoatanBill

    Did you ever get _REDSDKINFO to work and output anything useful about the environment detected?