Suggestions to improve bonus tools

I've started to really like the bonus layer tools. I have a couple of suggestions to improve how they work with nested layers:- freezing a nested object appends the nested object's layer to that of the xref. This is almost never desirable. Instead, when a nested objegt is selected, the layer of the xref should be removed from the list. Should be easy to implement.- Freezing blocks in xrefs: an option to select which layer should be frozen, the layer the block was inserted on OR the layer nested in the block.


  • thanks for liking it :)> freezing a nested object appends the nested object's layer to that of the xref. Instead, when a nested object is selected, the layer of the xref should be removed from the list.I'm sorry, i don't understand. Are you talking about storing layerstatus or about freezing layers of selected entities?> Freezing blocks in xrefs: an option to select which layer should be frozen, the layer the block was inserted on OR the layer nested in the block.Understood. Indeed, we did not take that case in account.regards, sander, bricscad

  • What I meant with my first suggestion:Procedure is to first select the xref, then the nested object whose layer to freeze. The problem is that the xref also has a layer. In other words, the list of layers to freeze consists of two layers, but I only want to freeze one of them (the nested one). Of course, a workaround is to set the xref's layer as current to prevent it from freezing.What would solve the problem more elegantly is an included option to turn on selection of the nested layer without first selecting the xref, already in the first prompt:Select entities :Regarding my second suggestion: to complicate the problem further, there could even be a choice between 3 or more layers to freeze. Say you want to freeze a block insertion inside an xref inside an xref. I am working on a drawing like that right now. I suppose handling this would require selection from a popup list containing the list/hierarchy of layers relevant for that object.

  • Concerning your first suggestion,let's doublecheck for misunderstandings: freeze layers consists of two independent phases:- selecting some entities- selecting some subentities. you don't need to select the entity when you want to select the subentities, they're independent. So if you only want to select subentities, you should skip the firstprompt.Please let me know, because i may need to change the prompt.So the same command allows you to select on two levels. As i understand it, your second suggestion is about adding a third level.regards, sander, bricscad

  • You are right, all I need to do is [Enter] to skip the first level. Brilliant. I never crossed my mind to try this, since the Select entities: prompt is rather imperative. Something like Select entities : would be more helpful, from a beginner's point of view.Adding more nested levels to choose from would be an improvement, I suppose. The only problem is that it complicates the command. Actually, I think it would be sufficient with an option to "Step one level up" in the command. This would take care of the most typical problem, which is when you want to freeze a block inside an xref by the layer it was inserted on.

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