Advise about connection between Robot Millennium and BricsCAD BIM

I have a client that migrated recently to BricsCAD BIM. He also uses Robot Millennium to structural analysis. What is the best process to import the Robot model to BricsCAD BIM?
Thanks in advance!


  • As I see, Robot Millennum is a rather old program, I can't find its installer to try. Does it have some options to save or export a file as DWG/DXF?
  • zoomer
    edited February 2024
    Does this help ?

    Oh does not work ....

    It is now Autodesk

    But I can't find a real feature list showing export options.
  • Lyubov Osina
    edited February 2024
    It's impressive company history - the first commercial release of ROBOT Structures for DOS was in 1985!
    Current Autodesk Robot structural analysis has an option to Save as DWG/DXF.

    I found a User Manual for ROBOT MILLENNIUM v.20.1 , there are mentioned that:
    1) "complete graphic structure definition in the graphic editor (user may also load e.g. DXF
    format files containing the structure’s geometry which have been prepared in a different
    graphic program"
    2) "A defined and calculated connection may be saved to a file of the following formats: dxf, dwg, stp,
    wrl, anf, sat, pep."
  • Thanks for answers. The Autodesk Robot Help page includes all export options and, also to me, the most suitable is DWG format.
    As far as I know, Robot includes a bidirectional communication with Revit, thus the question from the client.