Custom linetype loading error "Undefined Line Type"


I'm new to BricsCAD (BC) from Vectorworks. 2D drafting only. I have a question about custom line types for anyone interested to reply.

I've installed a set of approximately sixty custom line types from,

and the full list of them now appears in the menu when I click to load new linetype in Drawing Explorer. However, when I select one of these custom lines to load to my drawing I get "Undefined Line Type" error.

In case it matters, this is the path to which I extracted the zip file on my computer,
C:\Users\thomas\AppData\Roaming\Bricsys\BricsCAD\V24x64\en_US\Support\TMS custom lines
Also, in BC, I have added this path at: Settings > Program Options > Files > Support file search path

Thoughts, anyone?


  • Post the 1 you selected the 2 lines of the lin file.
  • ALANH,

    I figured it out a couple of hours ago. I had to change a parameter in the CAD Concepts .lin file to match what's in BC's default ones.

    Here is an example of a .lin file as it came from CAD Concepts, followed by my successful editing of it for use in my drawing. (I also made other adjustments unrealted to the posted problem.)

    *CCL_SEWER_AG_2,Sewer line above ground (0.5x) ___S___S___S___

    *--SEWER_AG,Sewer line above ground ___S___S___S___

    The essential change is in substituting "STANDARD" for "CCL-LINE1" in the second line. That did the trick.

    Thank you for your interest. I apologize for not having posting the news more quickly.
  • Jason Bourhill
    edited February 2024
    Tango said:

    I've installed a set of approximately sixty custom line types from,

    and the full list of them now appears in the menu when I click to load new linetype in Drawing Explorer. However, when I select one of these custom lines to load to my drawing I get "Undefined Line Type" error.

    This is because the text styles referenced by the linetypes is not available in the current drawing. The attached script will create the required text styles. You would need to run this first, prior to trying to load the linetypes.

    I've also updated the zip on the website to include this script.

    Alternatively, you could use the drawing EXPLORER to copy and paste the linetype definitions from the included drawing to your target drawing.

    Jason Bourhill
    BricsCAD V24 Ultimate
    CAD Concepts

  • Tango said:

    I figured it out a couple of hours ago. I had to change a parameter in the CAD Concepts .lin file to match what's in BC's default ones.

    Here is an example of a .lin file as it came from CAD Concepts, followed by my successful editing of it for use in my drawing. (I also made other adjustments unrealted to the posted problem.)

    *CCL_SEWER_AG_2,Sewer line above ground (0.5x) ___S___S___S___

    *--SEWER_AG,Sewer line above ground ___S___S___S___

    The essential change is in substituting "STANDARD" for "CCL-LINE1" in the second line. That did the trick.

    This is of course possible, but keep in mind that the "STANDARD" style may refer to a different font, which would cause the linetype to display differently. This would be most obvious for the linetype definitions with a font that uses symbols instead of text characters. e.g.

    Jason Bourhill
    BricsCAD V24 Ultimate
    CAD Concepts

  • Mr. Bourhill,
    Thank you for your comments.